Assistance of a specialist in writing a résumé

Employees of personnel departments in large companies by one type of resume can assess the level of the applicant for a particular position. For this reason it is recommended to entrust this work to experienced specialists. They know how to correctly describe the work experience, emphasize the strengths of the candidate and convince the company that he is ready to learn and develop further.

Requirements for a resume

A resume is a questionnaire that helps an employer understand that this particular applicant is the right fit for him. The document must be:

  • Short. Optimal size – no more than 2 A4 pages. At the same time the resume should contain a maximum of information necessary for the employer to make a decision.
  • Specific. Every word must be meaningful. It is not necessary to describe all your talents and experiences in different fields if you are applying for an accountant position.
  • Truthful. You should not exaggerate your capabilities, tell about nonexistent achievements, correct your age. Deception will be discovered quickly, because the manager will set tasks for the new employee in accordance with the resume.

In the resume should specify what position the candidate is applying for. If there are several, it is recommended to make a resume for each of them. A photo attached to the resume plays an important role, because the appearance of the employee is important for some positions (a promoter for an exhibition, a sales representative, etc.).

If there are mistakes in the resume, the employer will have a negative opinion of the applicant, and he is unlikely to schedule an interview. Therefore, even the most valuable staff is better to ask for help from a professional.

Mistakes when writing a resume

After the document is composed, it is advisable to check it for literacy and attractiveness. Experienced HR managers do not recommend:

  • Make spelling and punctuation errors;
  • specify several positions of interest at once (be specific about the purpose);
  • Use jargon and professional terms;
  • Attach an irrelevant photo;
  • deceive and raise the recruiter’s expectations;
  • Stretch out the application form in more than 2 pages;
  • Stretch out the application form in more than 2 pages;
  • You can attach a letter of recommendation if necessary, but even one application form filled out according to the rules and our recommendations will be enough. Re-read the resume the next day to refresh your impressions.

Tasks of a professional resume writer

A specialist after a thorough analysis of the data provided by the client does the following:

  • Will make a professional written cv;
  • Post the document on job search sites;
  • If necessary, translate the questionnaire into a foreign language.

If requested by the client, the specialist will provide advice in the form of a training interview, drawing up the right questions to the employer, will give advice on a career change, etc.