Kim Kardashian Says This Persistent Skin Problem STILL Makes Her 'Really Insecure'!

Kim Kardashian may be one of the most beautiful (and beauty-focused) women on earth, but that doesn’t mean she magically avoids the superficial pitfalls we all go through!

The 42-year-old sat for a chat with Bustle on Thursday and revealed she STILL deals with facial acne! Yes, Kim has persistent pimple problems — even at her age!!

The Kardashians star was using the chat to promote her brand SKKN By Kim, and its new Resurfacing Mask product, so the topic of acne was front-and-center for the mom of four. It sounds like she’s been extremely frustrated by still waking up to pimples a couple decades AFTER her teenage years! Kim quipped:

“I never thought I’d be getting acne in my 40s. It was definitely really interesting to experience.”


For the rest of us, though, Kim’s issues with acne turn out to be a good thing!! Sort of. See, living with adult acne has forced the Calabasas-based mogul to be very deliberate and intentional in creating beauty products that will actually work for her. She explained as much in the Bustle chat:

“Luckily, I documented , and we’ve been working on a lot of products that have taken that into account. I never thought I would be making acne products, but that’s definitely coming in the future.”

Wow! New product lines (and new revenue streams!!) to tackle every possible beauty problem under the sun. Yep, she’s Kris Jenner‘s daughter, all right! LOLz!

For now, North West‘s momma says she’s been forced to be content with covering pimples up:

“I think makeup is really good at covering it, but there are times when you just don’t want to wear it, and it makes you feel really insecure. It’s really tough when your skin goes through a lot of changes that you weren’t really expecting to go through.”

And she even has one non-conventional tip for dealing with acne: long fingernails!! The Selfish author explained:

“When you do have an acne situation going on and picking will only make it worse, I’d say the best thing you can do is put on some long nails. That’ll prevent you from doing anything to your skin that you should not be doing.”

She’s not wrong about that! Gotta keep your hands away from pawing at your face, as picking away will only make it worse! Didn’t we all learn that lesson in middle school? Sigh…

Then, the KUWTK alum concluded with this:

“If someone told me that something would help my skin, I’m definitely down to try it. I’m down to try a lot of things.”

Y’all, we know she’s not kidding about that. Last year, she infamously told the New York Times that she would “eat poop every single day” if it would get her to look younger. Fortunately, things haven’t gotten to that point yet. And we truly hope they never will! LOLz!!

Anyways, what do U make of Kim’s frank admission about adult acne attacks, Perezcious readers?!

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