Urgent warning ‘new axis of totalitarian states’ Russia and China threatening UK

A former Conservative party leader has warned China and Russia are an “axis of totalitarian states” that threaten Western democracy if governments continue to turn a “blind eye”.

Sir Iain Duncan Smith, who has been a vocal critic of Communist Party authorities in Beijing, was reacting to a piece by Times columnist Matthew Syed headlined “While our leaders indulge in puerile squabbles, tyrants seize the moment”.

Mr Syed wrote that the West faces rising powers in China, Iran, North Korea and Russia that are “more powerful than Nazi Germany” and more “threatening than the Soviet Union”.

During World War II, the axis powers were said to be the Nazis, Japan, Italy, who were ranged against the allies of principally Britain, the Commonwealth, and the United States.

After the war the Soviet Union emerged as the chief enemy of Britain and the West during the Cold War which lasted until the 1990s.

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Agreeing with the foreboding sentiments of the article, Sir Iain wrote on the social media site X that the “brutal excesses” of China and Russia had been ignored.

He posted: “The West now faces a new axis of totalitarian states which poses the greatest threat to our principles of democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

“Government after government has turned a blind eye to the brutal excesses of these countries as our dependency grows. China and Russia understand how to capture the personal and national greed of the West.

“As in days gone by, those in the West who have been warning about this threat have been ignored.”

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As the Israel-Hamas war intensifies in the Middle East China and Russia have declared they share the “same position”.

Zhai Jun, China’s special envoy to the Middle East, spoke after a meeting Thursday in Qatar with Mikhail Bogdanov, the Russian president’s special representative for the Middle East and Africa.

Both nations back a two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians.

Zhai said: “China and Russia have the same position on the Palestine question, and China is ready to maintain communication and coordination with Russia to promote de-escalation of the situation.”

Despite the terrorist atrocities carried out on October 7, Beijing describes Hamas as a “resistance movement,” not as a terrorist group as Israel and other countries like the UK and US do.

Iran is widely recognised as the principal backer of Hamas providing weapons and funding to the terror group, as well as supporting Hezbollah in Lebanon to Israel’s north.

Iran and North Korea are both reported to have supplied weapons, including drones, to Russia in support of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. China too, has failed to condemn Russia’s attack on Ukraine which began in February 2022.

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