Patrick Troughton’s final Doctor Who story given a new lease of life by the B…

Epic tale The War Games was broadcast over 10 weeks in 1969, and was not only the final story to be screened in the ‘60s, but the last Doctor Who adventure to be made in black and white.

It was revealed earlier this year that a classic adventure was to be colourised for the first time, and it was recently confirmed that the first Dalek story would be edited and updated for a screening on BBC4 next week, to mark the show’s 60th anniversary.

Now we can reveal that The War Games will become the second adventure to be cleverly colourised so that it can be enjoyed by a new generation.

Speaking to the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine, showrunner Russell T Davies explained that he intends to do it for every single story that he can.

READ MORE: Doctor Who is the gift that keeps on giving: Baker on his time in the Tardis

“Many years ago, I worked with a very astute producer who absolutely drilled into me that children will not watch black-and-white television,”

he said. “It’s a barrier to entry, so I’m absolutely determined that the back catalogue of Doctor Who should be colourised – that’s my aim, and it has been since day one in the job.”

Ben Cook, who is editing the lengthy stories into a more succinct form, teased on Twitter: “Another colourised blockbuster edit of a ‘60s story.

But which one…?”

The War Games features a young Rudolph Walker – best known for playing Patrick Trueman in EastEnders – in an early TV role.

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Other notable cast members include Edward Brayshaw, known to a generation of mid-lifers as Harold Meaker in Rentaghost, and Leslie Schofield, who played Jeff Healy in EastEnders, best remembered for unsuccessfully proposing to Pauline Fowler.

In the original story, an alien race led by the War Lord (Philip Madoc) kidnap and brainwash soldiers from battles throughout earth’s history to fight in war games on another planet as part of the aliens’ plot to conquer the galaxy.

The Doctor and his companions Jamie McCrimmon (Frazer Hines) and Zoe Heriot (Wendy Padbury) form a resistance army to stop them and return the kidnapped soldiers home.

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