Kristin Cavallari Says Women Should Put Out For Guys ASAP – & Gets SLAMMED For It!

Kristin Cavallari has a hot take.

Last week, the Very Cavallari star tackled a topic on her Let’s Be Honest podcast that had listeners up in arms. One fan posed the question, “How many dates until you sleep with a guy?” A good question! Right?! And in response, the 36-year-old gave her VERY honest opinion on it:

“I’ve been on this thing for the last, like, two years, maybe, of being like, you should make him wait like, three or four dates.”

However, more recently, she’s had a change of heart. She continued:

“I don’t think it f**king matters. It doesn’t f**king matter if you sleep with him on the first date or the tenth date. If there is chemistry and feelings there, it doesn’t matter.”

She then cited an unnamed “relationship coach” who claimed “90 percent” of couples who are in the “best” relationships where they “found the one,” mostly all slept together within the first two dates. She added:

“So, I don’t think it matters.”

But not everyone’s in agreement…

Kristin posted the clip on her Instagram, and unhappy fans LIT up her comments with disapproval:

“Trash advice. Respectfully.”

“Wow this is disturbing!”

“Soul ties are a real thing. Youre absolutely damaging yourself if you sleep around and give it up to anyone you have chemistry with. I know im old fashioned (also a believer in Jesus) so im probably in the minority. But this generations hook up culture seems so icky.”

“That’s why you’re divorced and still looking for someone at 40+”

“NO MA’AM! This is the worse advice from a non-expert that gets women hurt. Here’s why it matters: 1. Women produce oxytocin a bonding hormone when she had sex 2. STD and dirty penile 3. Give yourself time to find out if he’s crazy. It’s not about trying to get him into you. It’s about you being sure he deserves you. 4. The study you recited isn’t real. 5. Playing Vajajay Roulette isn’t a dating strategy 6. Your body is worth more, make him earn it. 7. According to real research, sleeping with a guy too soon interrupts Vasopressin in a man which is his bonding hormone.”

“WRONG!!! So much Wrong with this.”

Damn! There’s definitely no right or wrong answer for such a deeply personal question, and luckily, some other users came to her defense:

“Same night as first date, engaged 7 months later, married 9 years. It will be okay if you bone the first night. Trust me.”

“Totally agree. Chemistry is chemistry. Our society needs to change it’s old fashioned antiquated way of thinking.”

“I hear no lies”

Watch her full clip (below):

A post shared by Kristin Cavallari (@kristincavallari)

Where do YOU land on this debate, Perezcious readers?? Let us know down in the comments!

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