My friend's grandson is supposed to be her carer but he's only out for himself | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: HE is supposed to be caring for her, but my friend’s grandson is smoking cannabis and playing on his phone instead.

He may even be spending her pension too. I’m desperately worried. I’m 77 and my friend is 82.

She has health problems and can’t look after herself.

Her 22-year-old grandson needed somewhere to live, so the family thought it would be a great idea if he moved in with her.

It would save him rent money and she would have a familiar carer.
But he doesn’t look after her properly.

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When I went round to visit her last week, the house was a tip. She was in dirty clothes and confused about whether she’d had her medication.

I offered to pop to the shops for her, but she said she didn’t have any money.

Yet she gets a decent pension.

Her grandson was still in bed, even though it was noon, and I could smell cannabis.

I’m anxious. What can I do?

DEIDRE SAYS:  You are right to be concerned about your friend. Have a word with her GP on her behalf, and contact social services.

Local authorities have social workers who deal with cases of abuse and neglect. The NHS website has a page for safeguarding concerns (

If you would like to talk to someone about this, contact the charity Age UK (0800 678 1602,


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